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Missionary Oblate Sisters

of Saint Boniface

Cum Maria
Matre Jesu

The Spirituality of the Missionary Oblate Sisters

As Missionary-Educators and women of the Church rooted in Christ's love we are open to the needs of today's world, especially the most disadvantaged, and we respond with audacity, compassion and joy.

Bound by vows, we form community in sharing and support, in contemplative prayer, and mutual evangelization in order to achieve our common apostolic project.

We live by the spirit of Christ's oblation and seek to let ourselves be transformed, to restore unity and harmony, with the faith, receptiveness and simplicity of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Thus, we become Good News.

(Missionary Oblate Sisters, Charism Statement revised October 2014)


A charism is a special gift of grace that God gives to individuals and groups to fulfill the mission for which they have been called into existence. The charism of a Congregation includes all of the talents; attitudes and virtues granted by God to its members and are given for the benefit of others. Whether called to live in a large group or on one's own, all are to live out the mission that flows from the charism that has been given.

The Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart and of Mary Immaculate give expression to their charism through a way of living and educating that is particular to their Congregation, and which is stated in their Constitutions as follows:


"In a communion of love with Christ who came to do his Father's will, we wish to discern and fulfill this will in a spirit of faith. Through this union with Christ, our prayer and our work become an act of reparation; that is, we help restore in people and society, the unity and harmony, which make them whole and free, more loving and obedient to God". (cf C6)

A Missionary Oblate Sister is animated by a strong spirit of faith and a constant desire for transformation in Christ. Her way of life is characterized by her charity, simplicity and openness to God and to others.

"We become faithful to the spirit of our origin in as much as we know it more thoroughly and live it more fully". Mère Marie-Joseph-du-Sacré-Coeur)

The Oblate charism is distinguished by five characteristics that give a particular color to the spirituality and apostolic works of the Congregation.


Spirit of Faith:

An Oblate believes in a loving God. She ministers to others through education of the faith and formation to prayer. Her belief in the hidden potential of each child, young person and adult allows her to let the seed of her teachings fall into the ground and trust in the invisible effectiveness of her efforts. She believes that God is close to her at all times and watches over her with a "tender yet powerful fidelity". (The quotations are from the 1906 Constitutions)



An Oblate leads a simple lifestyle. She strives to accomplish God's will with single heartedness, teaching in a direct and practical way and using very human approaches in her apostolate. She nurtures a preferential love for the poor and underprivileged.



An Oblate strives to have a listening stance, a sharing attitude and to be hospitable toward all whom she encounters. She seeks to accept others without being judgmental, to be flexible through openness to events and to the signs of the times and through her adaptability to new ideas and ways of being. She makes every effort to model and teach receptiveness (accueil) in her way of being and by her words and actions.



An Oblate strives to grow in love of God, neighbor, self, and to teach the love of the whole person: heart, will and character. She endeavors to develop a spirit of community in her ministry, work place and with all whom she is in contact. She fosters the love of the Church and the missionary spirit.


Transformation in Christ:

An Oblate offers herself in union with Christ and seeks to give back to God His rightful place in the hearts of people and communities. To do this she is attentive to the promotion of peace, unity and harmony. She is committed to taking a stance against prejudice, racial and religious discrimination. She works against the powers of division where they exist, fosters dialogue, mutual help, reconciliation, ecumenism and social justice. She encourages others to shared responsibility, teamwork, and collaborative leadership, conscious that she is helping to build the society of tomorrow.


"Our whole being is an expression of our consecration to God. All that we are, all that we do must witness to the authenticity of our commitment and manifest those values of the Kingdom on which we focus our lives". (Article 11,Constitutions)